Regular Club Rides

Stratford Cycling Club run a variety of weekly rides throughout the year with the program changing to reflect the seasons. In addition to those listed below we organise monthly gravel rides during the summer, long distance endurance rides and trips to the velodrome! The mainstay of our organised weekly cycling events is the traditional Sunday morning club run. Venturing into the Cotswolds, the Vale of Evesham and the beautiful Warwickshire countryside.

Sunday Club Rides

Sunday Club Runs depart at 9:00 from outside the Box Brownie coffee shop in Henley Street. Please assemble in groups at 8:55 to give ride leaders a chance to assess the numbers and composition of the group before departure. Sunday rides have a tea stop at roughly half distance and will generally return to Stratford by around 13:00.

Stratford CC offer three rides most Sundays for a range of abilities and fitness levels. The exact speed and distances given can vary significantly depending on the terrain so the numbers below are just a guide. Rides will generally be a little longer in the summer and a little shorter in the winter reflecting the riding conditions and fitness levels. Remember that riding as a group will increase the average speed by a couple of miles an hour compared to a solo ride. Sunday rides are no-drop so the group will always stay together.

A Ride: 17-19mph, circa 60 miles.
For confident, experienced riders.

B Ride: 16-17mph, circa 55 miles.
A pacey ride

C Ride: 13-15mph circa 45 miles
For fit newcomers or recovering riders.

For the benefit and enjoyment of all riders, it’s important that you chose the correct group (speak to our ride leaders if you’re not sure). Cycling too far outside of your comfort zone can make for a hard day in the saddle and whilst inclusivity is at the heart of all club rides, it can be frustrating for you and for the group if abilities are too varied. If you are regularly off the back or off the front then you're probably in the wrong ride.

If you’re unfamiliar with group rides, unsure about the distance, elevation or speed then start with the C Ride; you can always go up a ride next week! Find out more about Riding In A Group

What type of bike?

For club road rides we expect people to be on drop handlebar road bikes. The wider handlebars of mountain bikes and hybrid bikes are not suitable for group riding.

Midweek Rides

Summer (April – October BST)

The Tuesday Bash - 18:30
We head off from the Greenway Car Park towards Quinton for 3 laps of the 5 mile Ilmington Circuit (see members area).  We stop to form groups  based on rider numbers, experience and fitness. Organised through and off (chain gang) with groups of 6 to 10 riders of similar ability. This a fantastic club event and requires some experience, discipline, and teamwork – a great way to hone your riding skills and build fitness. For more information on group riding in general and The Chaingang in particular see our Group Riding pages.

Group 1. +25mph Very fast, for the club racers U23 and scratch.
Group 2. +22mph Fast, for vet racers the experienced riders only.
Group 3. 20mph Swift, experienced riders.
Group 4. 18mph Not hanging about, hone your skills.

Thursday Lamp Rides - 18:30
Departing from the Greenway Car Park alternating between the Tysoe Loop and The Prison Loop (see members area) approximately 30 miles.

Winter (November – March GMT)

Tuesday Zwift League
Tuesday night is Zwift night! During the winter we have a number of teams competing in Zwift leagues. Find out more about Zwift Racing.

Thursday Lamp Rides - 18:30
Departing from the Greenway Car Park and alternating between the Tysoe Loop and The Prison Loop (see members area) approximately 30 miles. Lights and Mudguards required!

Depending on the weather we may sometimes organise additional Lamp Rides on Tuesday/Wednersday via WhatsApp.